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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Star Trek: Into Darkness

I loved rebooted Star Trek movie released in. 2009. So naturally, I was awaiting the sequel with great anticipation. Of course, I was also skeptical: could they match the great mix of action and story while remaining true to the Star Trek legacy? The answer is mostly yes. Star Trek Into Darkness is a fantastic movie and a worthy successor to the original. More action and a great story that honors the Star Trek heritage. 

For me, the only part that really made no sense was when "young" Spock calls old Spock for advice. WTH? Spock is a rule follower and loci gal, and calling his other self is neither of these things. The only other small issue I had was the final fight scene. First they beam down Spock, he gets his ass kicked, so then they beam down Ohura, why?! Spock should have been able to beat Kahn on his own. 
Other than these minor issues, the movie was fantastic and a must-see for any fan of the rebooted movie series.


Tom McClain said...

Yes a fantastic movie!

If Uhura didn't beam down to stun Khan Spock might've killed him. They needed Khan's blood to save Kirk. Spock was unaware of this fact.

I agree with the part about calling old Spock....pointless.

I thought kicking the warp core was ridiculous, not to mention dangerous. Also, at the angle he was kicking it he just would've pushed down into the ship more. Not knock it back into alignment.

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